
Ice skating campaigns

Ice skating campaigns

We love creative and customer oriented campaigns, especially combined with ice rinks and ice skating. Not everybody is a fan of Valentine's Day and we make no exception, but we love every occasion that brings people closer, makes them friendlier, more opened, more happy and sociable.

This year we really loved the campaign of the "Cotroceni on ice" ice rink in Romania which we built back in 2009. The idea was simple and lovely: every customer had to write on a heart shaped paper tag what they love: a person, a feeling, an object, an animal, etc. and then wear it while enjoying the skating session. It is so interesting not only to read the tags but also to observe the different things that people love which makes every individual unique and special.

These are the kind of things that keep us motivated while working at the building process of an ice rink project, either in the office or on site. Ice skating is not always just a sport: it is a passion, a hobby, a healthy way of spending your free time or an activity that gathers people in the same spot to have fun and relax.

We shared pictures from last weekend below, hope you enjoy them.

And with this occasion we can gladly say: We

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